Learn how to rest like your health depends on it.
(Because it does).

Rest As Medicine

THIS monday, MAY 22ND
10am PT / 7pm CET
Learn how to rest like your health depends on it.
(Because it does).

Rest as Medicine

THIS monday, MAY 22ND
10am PT / 7pm CET

Introducing a new 90 minute workshop for  undernourished women who want to sleep for 100 years. 

Maybe you’ve heard that resting is lazy…

Or that you need to be near-death before you collapse on the couch for a breather.

In a world that prioritizes production over wellbeing, it’s easy to feel like rest is a privilege and push feelings of depletion aside.

Brain fog and dry skin? Just ignore it…

Period issues? Hopefully it will be different next month…

Feeling like you need to sleep in a cloud-like bed for 100 years?.... Doesn’t everybody?

Yes, rest is important for everyone. 

But it’s especially essential for women's fertility, hormone health, and longterm vitality. 

After this 90-minute workshop, you’ll know why. 

This class is for you if:

  • You feel like you’re running your life on either stress hormones or caffeine
  • ​You have irregular ovulation/irregular cycles and/or estrogen dominance
  • ​You’re depleted from motherhood, a major life event, working too hard, of the constancy of life
  • ​You’ve traditionally listened to your ambition over the needs of your body

If you said “that’s me” to any of the above, this class has something for you.

This class isn’t for you if:

  • ​You think western medicine is the holy grail of healing
  • ​You don’t believe your diet, lifestyle, or spiritual alignment can impact your health
  • ​You’re not open to implementing changes in your life in order to support your body

Picture this: gathering on Zoom with other womben from all over the world to soak in the education about your body and its power that you never got in school and should’ve received from your elders.

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Expiry Year:

Here’s what you’ll learn: 

  • The physical, emotional, and mental signs of an undernourished woman, and what’s normal according to our physiology or constitution and what’s not

  • ​How your ability to create both a human life and a dream project is impacted by your quality of rest 

  • The three different physiological rhythms that impact women specifically and how to rest in alignment with them 

  • ​Cortisol and its impact on your sex hormones, menstrual cycle, fertility, and overall well being 

I’m Usha Anandi and I know what it’s like to be depleted. 

As a clinical herbalist, holistic nutritionist, and full spectrum birth worker who has worked with thousands of women...

I’ve spent thousands on my own healing journey with herbs, supplements, and with different providers trying to heal.

But what I've learned is that you can’t achieve your way to healing.

And you can’t pay anyone else to do it for you.

If you’re not resting…

Or living in alignment with your natural physiological rhythms…

No amount of supplements, herbs, or treatments will make up for it.

It will catch up to you in the long run, period.
If you’re still asking “is this workshop right for me?”, let me help you out:

If you feel shame around resting or feel lazy when you lay down on the couch, I made Rest As Medicine for you.

If you struggle to figure out when to rest or when you’re resting too much or too little, I made Rest As Medicine for you.

If you long to feel vibrant, healthy, and strong again (or perhaps for the first time in your life), I made Rest As Medicine for you.

If you’re a yes, I hope you can make it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Rest As Medicine Workshop hosted? 
The Workshop will be hosted on Zoom at 10 am PT on Monday, May 22nd. The link to the live Zoom classroom will be sent out 1-hour before the event to the email that you registered with. 
What happens after I sign up? 
A confirmation email will be sent to your email address with the email you signed up with. Sometimes the tech bots don’t cooperate, so if you haven’t received your confirmation email within 30 minutes, be sure to reach out to our team at support@wombenwellness.com so they can help set you up. 
Are there refunds for this event? 
Due to the digital nature of this class, there are no refunds. We do not offer change of mind refunds for this product, so please consider this before your purchase.
What if I can’t make it live?
Replays will be available for 7 days after the event. 
Is this class for women only? 
Women and gender non-conforming folks with wombs will benefit from this class, which will focus on the physiology of having a cyclical body and how rest is medicine for us specifically. 
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